Watchet Hotels, Somerset - Hotels in England - Smooth Hound


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Court Farm Holiday Bungalows Ltd 

Doniford, Watchet, TA23 0TQ Show on map  1.01 miles from Watchet
Score 8.6 from 8 reviews
Court Farm Holiday Bungalows Ltd
Phone: +44 (0)1984 632466Online booking and availability
Pricesfrom (per room per night)
Rooms from
£50.00per room per night
Book Now!

Watchet, located in Somerset, is located about 24 kilometers from Bridgewater. The town is also located near Washford River and is close to Exmoor National Park, making it an idea base for visitors who want to explore the local area. There is a variety of sights worth visiting in the local area, including museums as well as the local shore. There is also a castle situated in the immediate area that visitors may find interesting as well. Nearby Cleeve Abbey is considered to be one of the best preserved monasteries in the country. There are numerous dining options to choose from as well as a range of different accommodation options.

The English harbour town of Watchet is located within the Somerset County. The town of Watchet has a population of about four thousand four thousand four hundred. The town of Watchet is located about fifteen miles to the west of Bridgwater and about fifteen miles to the north west of the town of Taunton. The town of Watchet is also about nine miles to the east of Minehead.

The parish of Watchet also includes the small hamlet area that is known as Beggeam Huish. The town of Watchet is located at the point where the River Washford enters into the Bridgwater Bay and this bay also forms part of the Bristol Channel. The town of Watchet is also located on the edge of the national park of Exmoor.

The poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote the poem that is known as The Rime of Ancient Mariner whilst travelling through the town of Watchet and the surrounding area.

The town of Watchet is thought to be the place where Saint Decuman was killed and there is now a fifteenth century church that is named St Decuman in dedication to him. The church that is known as St Decuman is now a grade one listed building.

The main landmark for the town of Watchet is the harbour of the town and also the narrow streets that the town has. The harbour in Watchet was used up until 2000 and since then the harbour has been converted into a marina. There are several museums within the town and these include the museum that is known as Market House and this museum looks at the history of the town and the surrounding area.

We hope you enjoy your stay in one of our cheap Watchet hotels, mid range or luxury Watchet hotels.
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